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The Siren Planet
From non-legendary author Arthur Chimpkin comes The Siren Planet, a comic sci-fi epic that is funny, vulgar, erudite...and good science fiction!
Mission: Suck the core out of a living planet.
When a living spacecraft starts receiving erotic signals from a living planet, its hapless and sexually-charged crew must find a way to survive.
Of the crew, only loner Beef Burrito grasps the true enormity of their situation, but nobody listens to him... Except, possibly, the planet itself!
Partly based on The Tempest by William Shakespeare, with nods to many other great works of fantastical fiction, this is a magnificent tale that spans aeons of time and galaxies of space, all for a cheap laugh.
If you love Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the novels of Christopher Moore, and the rollicking adventure of Guardians of the Galaxy, you will love The Siren Planet.
Heat Lightning
Deep in farm country, Tommy dreams of escaping his tyrannical father, Dave Smith. But there's work to be done and corn to grow.
Then crop circles begin to appear in the cornfields.
Dave won't say what, but something happened years ago. Something to do with crop circles and Tommy's strange, otherworldly little sister. Something bad enough for Dave to get out the shotgun.
And fire it at...Something.
So begins a three-way battle of wills between Tommy, Dave, and the unknowable beings determined to take back one of their own. How far will any of them go to win?
Heat Lighting is H.P. Lovecraft meets Whitley Streiber. It delivers compelling science fiction in a dread-soaked Heartland.